Monday, April 27, 2015

Reaching the End and Heading to China

Well, we've officially reached the end of the paper chase.  Our Travel Approval (TA) arrived at the agency today and we will receive it later this week, our consulate appointment (CA) has been confirmed for 5/27 and as easy as that, it's over. What a sigh of relief but a mix of emotions.

It's been 19 months since we began this journey and so much has happened.  Began with agency A in Oct 2013, switched to WACAP in Jan 2014, began non-Hague homestudy for Democratic Republic of Congo in Feb 2014. Completed homestudy, gathered documents for our dossier, completed USCIS process and then the rules changed and the walls came ccrashing down and we began praying about what this meant for us and this journey.  In May 2014 we decided to dual with DRC and China and wait and see what was going to happen in the DRC.  In June 2014 we decided the doors had closed completely for us in the DRC and that we would transfer to the China program. WACAP transferred 100% of the fees we had paid for the DRC program to the China program (what a blessing).

On July 21, 2014 we had our first homestudy visit for our Hague homestudy (required by China) and in August 2104 we found our baby girl on a waiting child list on our homestudy agency's website. Our homestudy agency is known to not transfer many files but they told us they'd be happy to transfer her file if they did not have any families interested in adopting her. The day we sent her file to our International Adoption doctor to review, they had a family request her file as well. :-(  We prayed that if she was meant to join our family that the other family would decline her file and one week later (one of the longest weeks of my life) we got the call that the other family declined her file and our homestudy agency was transferring her file to WACAP.  What a joyous day!

We completed our homestudy in 6 weeks (the second one in 6 months) and began the process of getting all of the notary signatures verified by the state dept in whichever state it was notarized and then verified by the US State Dept in DC and then authenticated by the Chinese Consulate in DC. Finally on Dec 31, 2014 our dossier was sent to China and on Jan 19 we were officially logged in to the Chinese database. (LID). We than began our next wait to get out Letter Seeking Confirmation (LOA) and received it in record time on April 6, 2014. Then we got our 10 year visas and since then it has been a whirlwind of one thing after another.

Today we bought our plane tickets and began finalizing our itinerary.  We will head to China on May 13, 2014 to embark on the journey of a lifetime. I've wanted to adopt a little girl for as long as I can remember and in a few short weeks my dreams will come true and we will be a family of 6!

 State Verified Dossier Documents (Above) US State Dept Seal (Below)

 Chinese Authentication

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